, hailed as a ship chartering revolution for the 21st century, recently relocated to New York after raising $130,000 from Starta Capital’s pioneering cross-border accelerator. The company, which has already established a wide-reaching network of ship owners and freight shippers around the world, is seeking to utilize its time in New York to establish global connections which will facilitate greater integration with the freight industry in both the United States and abroad.
How does it work? With just the click of a mouse.
Indeed, with just one click, any bulk cargo and ships are instantly matched. Rather than endless emails or reams of papers to sign, it’s streamlined, simple, and effective.
Is this a far-off dream of some unattainable future? No — it is today’s reality because the OpenSea platform uses smart algorithms, predictive analytics and blockchain technologies to make the ship chartering process as effective and effortless as possible.
OpenSea, which will graduate from the Starta Accelerator in mid-April, is hoping to radically remake the shipping industry so that it is transparent to all parties and free from time-consuming paperwork. In an industry ripe for disruption, they stand apart from the crowd in the utter simplicity of their service and the time in which it takes to make a match and sign a contract.
And this is not just any match. OpenSea’s smart search algorithms find the best-matching ship for the best-paying cargo so that everyone is getting an excellent deal, on both sides of the equation.
At the same time, OpenSea lets its clients operate independently, communicate directly, and perhaps most importantly, decrease commission surcharges. Beyond that, every step of the chartering process is documented and recorded on the platform, creating full transparency, credibility and ease of use.
OpenSea currently has more than 3,000 registered companies in the dry bulk segment, mainly from Europe and Asia. That’s why they are deepening connections on the East Coast of the United States, raising venture capital there, and furthering their global expansion.
Learn more about the company here!